Monday, 6 July 2015

Shopping outfit x Dressgal

Today is such a beautiful day and I get to spend it at home. Lucky Me! Of course I stay busy and get things done on my days off so I scheduled an appointment for this morning to get my tint fixed in my new car! Absolutely love driving an Audi A4 since I have been wanting one for so long.
Right now I am taking some time to lay outside and get some much needed colour.
Later on I have plans to go shopping at Sephora with my friend. Hopefully I make up my mind in store faster than I do on their shopping app. I can never decide what to get. 
I thought I would show you guys my first outfit for my blog. It's perfect for a shopping date on a hot summer day. 
If you guys like it, stay tuned for my upcoming video on my channel or head over to to purchase this cute outfit. Don't you just love this print? 

Let me know what you think in the comments below!

xo, aleida


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